Fern And Flower Candles

* YOU'LL NEED: For ferns alone: 6"-tall light-colored pillar candle, 2
dark-green fern tips; Mod Podge Gloss-Lustre (by Plaid); four 12" strips
of raffia; small straight (sequin) pins. For fern-and-flowers candle:
3"-tall white pillar candle; 5 dried pansies; 2 dried fern tips; Mod
Podge Matte-Mat. For both: Small (#4), soft round paintbrush for glue;
aluminum foil.

1. Lay ferns on foil. Brush Mod-Podge on candle front and on the ferns.
    Press ferns onto candle while glue is tacky. Pin until glue dries.
    Remove pins. 
2. For the pansy candle, brush Mod Podge on the ferns and pat pansies 
    in place. Gently brush Mod Podge over the pansies. Let dry.
3. Apply another coat of Mod Podge. Let dry. 
4. Tie raffia around the candle in a bow below the ferns.

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