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Search the rooms in our 'home on the web'.
    There are currently more than 10,000 files in the rooms of our 'home'. Trying to find a certain page, link, or information by browsing would take a while, so we have chosen to provide our visitors with the ability to search the rooms and featured items in our 'home'.
    You can also find the related search forms on the various pages in the rooms. The chart below shows which search form to use.

To search this item Use this search form

All the rooms The Master's Tech Home Search Form
The Bible Search The Bible At The Master's Tech Home
The Kitchen Search The Kitchen For Recipes & Cooking Articles
The Sewing Room Search the Sewing Room for Projects and Sewing Tips
Places to go! Search our Bookmarks and Links
The American Sign Language Dictionary Search 'A Basic Guide to ASL'
Fonts to preview and download Search our font collections

The Master's Tech Home Search Form

Terms for which to search:

Find: Case: Display: hits per page

All files
Files posted or updated between

The search terms you input do not have to be complete words. For example, "free," will match occurrences of free, freedom, freeforall, etc.
Do not include asterisks or other non-alphanumeric characters in your search terms unless you actually want them included (as with "C++") as part of your search.

Search The Bible At The Master's Tech Home

Terms for which to search:

Find: Case:
Display: hits per page

The search terms you input do not have to be complete words. For example, "free," will match occurrences of free, freedom, freeforall, etc.
Do not include asterisks or other non-alphanumeric characters in your search terms unless you actually want them included (as with "C++") as part of your search.

Search The Kitchen For Recipes & Cooking Articles

Terms for which to search:

Find: Case: Display: hits per page

All files
Files posted or updated between

The search terms you input do not have to be complete words. For example, "free," will match occurrences of free, freedom, freeforall, etc.
Do not include asterisks or other non-alphanumeric characters in your search terms unless you actually want them included (as with "C++") as part of your search.

Search the Sewing Room for Projects and Tips

Terms for which to search:

Find: Case: Display: hits per page

All files
Files posted or updated between

The search terms you input do not have to be complete words. For example, "free," will match occurrences of free, freedom, freeforall, etc.
Do not include asterisks or other non-alphanumeric characters in your search terms unless you actually want them included (as with "C++") as part of your search.

Search our Bookmarks and Links

Terms for which to search:

Find: Case: Display: hits per page

All files
Files posted or updated between

The search terms you input do not have to be complete words. For example, "free," will match occurrences of free, freedom, freeforall, etc.
Do not include asterisks or other non-alphanumeric characters in your search terms unless you actually want them included (as with "C++") as part of your search.

Search The American Sign Language Dictionary

Terms for which to search:

Find: Case:
Display: hits per page

The search terms you input do not have to be complete words. For example, "free," will match occurrences of free, freedom, freeforall, etc.
Do not include asterisks or other non-alphanumeric characters in your search terms unless you actually want them included (as with "C++") as part of your search.

Search our font collections

Terms for which to search:

Find: Case:
Display: hits per page

All files
Files posted or updated between

The search terms you input do not have to be complete words. For example, "free," will match occurrences of free, freedom, freeforall, etc.
Do not include asterisks or other non-alphanumeric characters in your search terms unless you actually want them included (as with "C++") as part of your search. Logo
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Look at other items of interest in our "home on the web".
We are in the process of designing and building the rest of our 'home'.
The Master's Tech Home Entrance
The Master's Tech Home Architectural Layout | The Master's Tech Site Index

The Kitchen:     Cooking Articles | Cooking & Recipe Newsgroups | Recipes for Everyone
The Library:     The Bible | American Sign Language Dictionary | Typeface Previews
The Sewing Room:     Crafts Projects | Sewing Articles | Sewing Projects
Links:     The Master's Tech Links | Other People's Links | Our Visitors' homepages

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Searches were last modified on Sunday, Mar. 08, 2020