Uses Of Lemons And Limes

Copyright 1994 The Detroit Free Press

Distributed by Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services

By Patty LaNoue Stearns

Knight-Ridder Newspapers

Lemons and limes have lots of uses inside and outside the kitchen. Here are a few:

	Six medium lemons yield 1 cup of juice; 1 medium lemon produces 3 tablespoons of
	juice or 3 teaspoons of grated peel.

	Six to eight medium limes yield 1/2 to 2/3 cup of juice; one medium lime equals
	about 1&1/2 tablespoons of juice and 1&1/2 teaspoons of zest.

	In most recipes, lime juice can be substituted for lemon juice.

	Squeeze lemon on avocado and potato slices to prevent discoloration.

	Clean copper with a paste of lemon juice and salt; rinse and polish dry.

	Rub hands with a lemon wedge to remove fish, onion and garlic odors.

	Shine piano keys or other ivory objects with half a lemon or a lemon-salt paste; rinse
	with a clean, wet cloth, then buff.

	When cooking pasta without salt, squeeze lemon juice into the boiling water to add

	Vegetables come alive with a squeeze of lemon instead of salt.

	Brighten hair with a strained lemon juice-warm water rinse; rinse again in clear

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