Subj:  V'gan Hot & Sour Soup
From:  StephenT
This is a Hot and Sour Soup that is great with Sourdough 
Bread and Red Wine. Easy to
make, 0 Choletseral, and good for you.
Steve's World Famous* Hot and Sour Soup
 Prep time 45 minutes
 1 oz. Dried Black Mushrooms
 8 Cups Water
 3 Tbs. Sake
 1/2 Cup Cider Vinegar
 3 Tbs. Tamari
 13/4 tsp. Salt
 1/4 - 1/2 Lb Tofu
 3 Tbs. Cornstarch
 6 Minced Scallions or Green Onions
 1/2 tsp. Fine Ground White Pepper
 1 tsp. Crushed Dried Red Peppers
Combine the sake, vinegar, tamari, salt, red peppers 
and tofu and set aside.
Rinse mushrooms, soak in 2 cups boiling water for 30 
minutes--just soak them, don't
boil them. Drain mushrooms, saving water, slice, tossing 
out stems.
Combine 5 1/2 cups of water with the mushroom water 
into a large kettle and bring to
Add the sake, vinegar, tamari, salt, red peppers and 
tofu. Lower heat and simmer about
10 minutes.
Mix cornstarch with remaining 1/2 cup water and add 
to soup, stirring constantly.
Heat soup to gentle boil.  Add scallions and white pepper. 
Cook only a few minutes
Serve soup hot with a dash of sesame oil.
Keeps 10 days in fridge.
* OK so maybe it is not World Famous but it is really 

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