BON-BONS(D)              USENET Cookbook              BON-BONS(D)


     BON-BONS - Chocolate and peanutbutter holiday treat

INGREDIENTS (3-4 dozen)
     3 lb      powdered sugar
     1 lb      butter
     2 cups    crunchy peanut butter
     1 lb      chocolate chips
     1/2 lb    block paraffin

          (1)  Mix together the sugar and peanut butter in a
               bowl.  Melt the butter, and pour it over this mix-
               ture.  Stir and knead until smooth.

          (2)  Roll into walnut-sized balls.

          (3)  Melt together the chocolate chips and paraffin
               over water.

          (4)  Dip balls into chocolate coating, set on waxed
               paper to harden.

     Difficulty: easy.  Time: 15 minutes.  Precision: Approximate
     measurement OK.

     Katherine Rives Albitz
     Hewlett-Packard, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: pam@cepu.uucp (Pamela McGarvey)
     Subject: RECIPE: Bouillabaisse
     Date: 20 Mar 87 05:32:51 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: UCLA Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, Los Angeles, Calif., USA
     Lines: 167
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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