*  Exported from  MasterCook II  *      
                          Hot Cross Black Widows            
Recipe By     : Creepy Cuisine, Lucy Munroe                 
Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00                 
Categories    : Halloween                        Sickening  
--------  ------------  --------------------------------    
                        To make muffins:                    
   1      tablespoon    butter or margarine                 
   1                    egg                                 
     1/4  cup           vegetable oil                       
   1      cup           milk                                
   2      cups          all-purpose flour                   
   3      teaspoons     baking powder                       
   1      teaspoon      salt                                
     1/4  cup           sugar                               
                        To make frosting:                   
   4      ounces        cream cheese -- softened            
   3      tablespoons   unsalted butter -- at room          
   1 1/2  cups          powdered sugar                      
     1/2  teaspoon      vanilla extract                     
                        juice of 1/4 lemon                  
                        --or 1 teaspoon bottled lemon juice 
                        red food coloring                   
                        yellow food coloring                
                        green food coloring                 
                        blue food coloring                  
                        black licorice strings              
	Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  Grease the bottoms, but not the sides, of 12
medium-sized muffin cups with the butter or margarine.  Beat the egg in a large bowl
with a fork.  Stir in the vegetable oil and milk.  Combine the flour, baking powder, salt
and sugar in a small mixing bowl and stir together.  Add to the egg mixture.  Stir lightly
until the dry ingredients are barely moistened.  The batter should be lumpy.  Fill the
muffin cups 3/4 full of batter. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes, or until the muffins turn
golden brown.  Carefully remove from the oven, turn out of the pan and set on a rack to
cool.  To prepare frosting, mix cream cheese and butter together with an electric mixer. 
Slowly add powdered sugar and continue beating.  Add vanilla extract and lemon juice,
and mix thoroughly.  Put a small portion of frosting in a separate bowl and mix into it a
few drops of red food coloring.  Set aside.  Color the remaining frosting, drop by drop,
with red, yellow, green and blue food coloring until it is black.  With a rubber spatula,
spread the black frosting on top of each muffin.  Then add a small red Black Widow
hourglass to each one.  Add legs to your spiders using licorice whip strings.  You may
need to cut the licorice into shorter pieces.  Place arachnids on a platter and serve.  You
may want to decorate the platter with fake spider webs. Penny Halsey (ATBN65B).

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