Subj:  Great Hashbrowns
From:  Neurobash

1 Large potato per person
Non stick pan
Enough oil so it doesn't stick, but not too much!
Cut up onions & sautee in oil
Your favorite cheese like Velveeta, Montery Jack, Swiss, etc...
Your favorite chili like Hormel w/without beans, Wolf Brand, etc..

You'll need a cheese grater
Start off by washing potato off, then peel potato, then use cheese grater to make
hashbrowns out of potato
to keep potato from turning brown after peeled place potato in water after made into
hashbrowns, It sounds difficult but it's real simple, then place hashbrowns in pan on top
of onions if onions are disired, make sure to form a circle in pan with hashbrowns, let
brown on one side on medium heat, then turn over & brown other side, then if you
have a microwave heat chili up, take hashbrowns out of pan & put cheese ontop, & of
course while cooking put garlic, salt, & pepper on them, then last step is to put chili on
top, makes a complete meal, & tastes Wonderfull!!!

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