Subj:  Simple/Sensational Fish & Pasta

From:  JanetF

This is a fast and delicious way to fix fish.  

Take a microwave dish and spray it coat it with a small 
amount of butter or olive oil. 
Take about 1 lb. of boneless/skinless fish and lay on 
top of the oil.  Sea bass works
especially well!  Top with 1/4 sliced red onion, fresh 
sliced mushrooms, your favorite
fresh or dried herbs, salt/pepper and a can of S & 
W Pasta style 
tomatoes.  Cover with cling wrap, vent and microwave 
for 10 minutes per inch of fish
thickness.  While this is microwaving cook up your favorite 
pasta and when both are
completed, put the pasta on the plate and put the fish 
and sauce over.  Add some freshly
grated parmesan, a side salad and perhaps a glass of 
your favorite wine and you have a
fast low fat and very 
delicious dinner for two.  This takes less than 30 minutes.

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