Subj:  Risotto and Scampi


Risotto with Shrimp

3 pounds of shrimp, heads removed and rinsed in fresh 
3 C water
3 onions, sliced
2 carrots
1 stalk celery
6 large tomatoes.
2 C dry white wine
Bouquet Garni (4 parsley sprigs, 2 bay leaf, 1 sprig 
1 small onion, diced
6 tbsp. butter
2 1/4 C Arborio rice
1/4 C whipping cream
4 tbsp. freshly grated Parmesan Cheese

In large kettle, bring all but shrimp to a boil. Add 
the shrimp in a wire basket and boil
until just done. Remove shrimp, peel, devein and rinse. 
Cut into pieces and reserve.
Return shells to broth and simmer for 45 minutes. Strain 
and reserve broth.

About 30 minutes before serving, place 1 small onion, 
finely chopped in a medium
saucepan with 4 tbsp. sweet unsalted butter. Saute until 
onion is soft but not browned.
Add the rice and cook 1-2 minutes in the onion mixture. 
Ladle in plenty of the warm
shrimp stock. As it is incorporated iinto the rice, 
continue adding more stock and
cooking hte rice, stirring continuously over medium 
high heat. You may need to add
warm water to the stock if you are running out of liquid. 
When the rice becomes creamy
and each grain is cooked through, add the reserved shrimp 
with remaining 2 tbps.
butter, 1/4 C whipping cream, and grated Parmesan cheese. 
Taste and adjust the
seasoning. Cover and let rest off the heat for 3-5 minutes. 
Serve immediately on warm

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