Title: Whitebait Souffle
 Categories: Seafood
      Yield: 4 servings
      1 c  Milk
      2 sl Crustless bread
      1 tb Butter
      2    Egg yolks
      2    Cloves garlic, crushed
           Salt and pepper to taste
    400 g  Whitebait
  Preheat the oven to 200 C.
  Into a blender or food processor put 1 cup milk, 2 thick slices of
  crustless white bread cut in quarters, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 egg
  yolks, 2 cloves garlic, crushed, and salt and pepper to taste.
  Process to a puree. Remove to a large basin and fold through 400 g
  In another basin beat the egg whites until they stand in stiff peaks.
  Fold the egg whites through the whitebait mixture and turn into a
  buttered souffle dish. Bake for 20 minutes or until risen and golden.
  From an article by Meryl Constance in The Sydney Morning Herald,
  4/20/93. Courtesy Mark Herron.

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