Title: Veal Scallops Sauteed with Spinach and Capers
 Categories: Veal
      Yield: 4 servings
      8    Two to three oz veal
      2 tb Olive oil
      1 c  Chicken stock
      4 oz Fresh spinach, chopped
      2 tb Capers
      2 tb Lemon juice
  Brush the veal with a thin film of olive oil (2 teaspoons total) and
  pound between 2 sheets of waxed. or parchment paper until 1/8 inch
  Heat the remaining oil in a heavy skillet. When the oil begins to
  smoke, add the veal and saute for 1 minute on each side, until
  browned and cooked through. Remove to a platter and keep warm.
  Deglaze the pan with the chicken stock. Boil until reduced to 1/3
  cup. Add the spinach and cook until the spinach wilts. Pour over
  veal. Add the capers and lemon juice to the pan and cook 30 seconds.
  Scatter over the veal and spinach.
  PER SERVING: 195 calories, 26 g protein, 2 g carbohydrate, 9 g fat (2
  g saturated), 89 mg cholesterol, 182 mg sodium, 1 g fiber.
  Andrew Schloss writing in the San Francisco Chronicle, 12/16/92.

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