CHICKEN-VINDAL - Spicy chicken curry

     Nearly every Indian restaurant serves something that it
     calls Chicken Vindaloo, but the dish varies greatly from
     place to place.  This recipe is a modification of a vindaloo
     recipe that appears in Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking
     (Barron's 1983).  I've attempted to approximate the Chicken
     Vindaloo served at The Tandoor Palace on Second Avenue in
     New York.

INGREDIENTS (serves 4-6)
     2 tsp     whole cumin seeds
     1 tsp     black peppercorns
     1 tsp     cardamom seeds
     3 in      stick cinnamon
     1 1/2 tsp whole black mustard seeds
     1 tsp     whole fenugreek seeds
     5 Tbsp    white wine vinegar
     1 tsp     salt
     1 tsp     cayenne pepper
     1 tsp     light brown sugar
     10 Tbsp   vegetable oil
     2         large yellow onions, peeled and cut into half-
     6 Tbsp    water
     1 in      cube of fresh ginger, peeled and coarsely chopped
     8-10      cloves garlic, peeled and coarsely chopped
     1 Tbsp    ground coriander seeds
     1/2 tsp   ground turmeric
     2 lb      boneless chicken breast, cut into bite-sized
     8 oz      tomato sauce
     1/2 lb    new potatoes, peeled and quartered

          (1)  Grind cumin seeds, black pepper, cardamom seeds,
               cinnamon, black mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds
               together in a spice grinder.  In a small bowl,
               combine ground spices, vinegar, salt, cayenne
               pepper and brown sugar.  Set aside.

          (2)  Heat oil in large saucepan over medium heat.  Fry
               onions, stirring frequently, until they are a
               rich, dark brown.  Remove onions with a slotted
               spoon and put them in a blender.  Turn off the
               heat, but do not discard the oil.  Add 3 Tbsp
               water (or more if necessary) to the onions and
               blend until you have a smooth paste.  Add this
               onion paste to the spices in the bowl.  This mix-
               ture is the vindaloo paste.

          (3)  Put the ginger and garlic in a blender.  Add 3
               Tbsp water and blend until you have a smooth

          (4)  Heat the remaining oil in the saucepan over medium
               heat.  When hot, add the ginger-garlic paste.
               Stir until the paste browns slightly.  Add the
               coriander and turmeric.  Stir a few seconds.  Add
               the chicken, a little at a time, and brown

          (5)  Add the vindaloo paste, tomato sauce and potatoes
               to the chicken in the saucepan.  Stir and bring to
               a slight boil.

          (6)  Cover the saucepan, reduce heat to low, and simmer
               for about an hour, or until potatoes are tender.

          (7)  Serve over rice.

     Don't undercook the onions.  They should be cooked until
     dark brown.  If the onion paste turns out gray rather than
     brown, then the onions were not cooked enough.

     This dish is very, very hot.  It may not seem so at first,
     but the spices have a cumulative effect that builds up over
     the course of the meal.

     Difficulty: moderate.  Time: 30 minutes preparation, 2 to 3
     hours cooking.  Precision: approximate measurement OK.

     Jim Mattson
     University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, Calif., USA
     From: jeff@rtech (Jeff Lichtman)
     Subject: RECIPE: Chicken with chipped beef and bacon
     Date: 7 Feb 86 05:13:06 GMT
     Organization: Relational Technology Inc., Alameda CA
     Approved: reid@glacier.ARPA

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