Title: Tilapia En Papillote with Asparagus and Shrimp
 Categories: Seafood
      Yield: 4 servings
    1/2 lb Thin or medium asparagus
      2 tb Unsalted butter, softened
           Grated zest of 1 lemon
           Salt and freshly ground
           -pepper, to taste
      4 lg Or 8 small tilapia filets (1
           -1/4 to 1 1/2 pounds total)
      2 tb Fresh lemon juice
      2 oz Tiny cooked shrimp rinsed
           -and drained
  Snap off the thick ends of the asparagus, cut the spears diagonally
  into bite-size pieces, and blanch in lightly salted water.
  Drain and cool.
  Meanwhile, beat the butter until light and blend in the lemon zest;
  season to taste with salt and pepper.
  Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.
  For each portion, fold a 12-inch square of baking parchment in half
  diagonally and crease the corners.
  Arrange one portion of tilapia filet on one side of the paper.
  Season with a little lemon juice and top with a quarter of the shrimp
  and asparagus.
  Dot with a quarter of the lemon butter.
  Fold the other side of the paper over the fish and seal the package
  into a half oval with a series of creases, starting with one corner
  and finishing with a twist at the opposite end.
  Repeat for the remaining portions.
  Bake the packages on a sheet pan until the paper is browned and
  puffy, 7 to 8 minutes.
  To serve, slit open each package and slide the contents, out onto a
  plate; or serve in the paper, letting each diner cut open his own.
  PER SERVING: 205 calories, 31 g protein, 2 g carbohydrate, 8 g fat (4
  g saturated), 108 mg cholesterol, 38 mg sodium, 1 g fiber.
  Jay Harlow writing in the San Francisco Chronicle, 3/18/92.

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