Title: Sopa De Ajo Con Huevos - Garlic Soup with Eggs
 Categories: Columbia, Soups
      Yield: 4 servings
      2 tb Oil
      6    Sliced onions
     10    Or more cloves garlic
           -finely chopped
      2 l  Water or chicken stock
      4 sl Thick bread
  From Colombia in South America, this robust soup is just about a meal
  in itself on a cold night and easily rivals its better known cousin,
  French onion soup.
  Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large saucepan and gently fry 6 sliced
  onions. Add 10 or more cloves of garlic, finely chopped, and continue
  cooking until the onion is transparent. Pour in 2 L water or chicken
  stock and simmer, covered, for half an hour. Put 4 thick slices of
  coarse bread in the bottom of four large soup bowls. When the soup is
  cooked, season it to taste, then break four eggs into the simmering
  liquid and poach until barely set. Using a slotted spoon, lift the
  eggs out onto the bread slices, then ladle the soup over the top.
  Serve very hot.
  From an article by Meryl Constance in The Sydney Morning Herald,
  7/20/93. Courtesy Mark Herron.

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