From: (Fran Maunder)
Subject: COLLECTION (5) Coffee
Date: 21 Dec 1996 06:47:02 -0700

>>Blaise Shaw said,
"I love coffee . . .
I am addicted to coffee. . .
I want some more recipes using coffee . . .>>

Here are some I have. I have more! I've been hording these for years, but I
mostly have no personal experience with them (I can't really vouch for
them!) Good luck, I hope you enjoy them.

Frosty the Snowman

2 1/2 Cups iced coffee
5 Tbsp chocolate syrup
1 Pint vanilla or coffee ice cream

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.  Serve in tall glasses.

Chocolate Coffee Sauce

Melt a quarter-pound of sweet chocolate broken into pieces in one fluid
ounce of strong coffee and stir well.  Let it cool and add two ounces of
butter, a little at a time, beating until it is thoroughly blended.

Cafe' Vino

1 Cup cold strong coffee
2 Oz Tawny Port of Muscatel wine
2 Tbsp sugar
1/2 Tsp grated orange peel
dash of cinnamon

Whip in blender at high speed until foamy.  Pour into chilled wine glasses.
Serves 2.

Almond Slushy

Combine iced coffee, cold milk, almond-flavored Italian syrup and ice cubes
in a blender.  Blend until thick and frosty.  Top with nutmeg.

Coffee Cream Horns

1/2 LB Butter or margarine, well chilled, divided
2 cups +2 Tbsp sifted all-purpose flour
1/2 cup ice water
1 Tbsp lemon juice
12 foil-wrapped ice cream cones
1 egg, slightly beaten
Coffee Almond Cream*

Cut 1/4 LB. butter into flour until mixture resembles cornmeal.  Add
water and lemon juice all at once.  Stir with a fork until pastry stays
together.  Cover; Chill 1/2 hour.  Roll out 1/4-inch thick into rectangle
18X12 inches.  Cut remaining butter into thin pats; Cover 2/3 rectangle.
Fold uncovered third over middle third.  Fold opposite end over top.  Then
fold pastry in thirds crosswise to form a block.  Roll out again 1/4-inch
thick.  Repeat folding.  Wrap in foil. Chill 1/2 hour.  Repeat rolling,
folding, and chilling three more times.  Wrap pastry.  Chill overnight, or
longer.  Roll pastry 1/8-inch thick into rectangle 20X12 inches.  Cut into
12 inch-wide strips.  Brush with water.  Wrap each strip, slightly
overlapping, around foil-covered cone, starting at point.  Brush with egg,
chill 1/2 hour.  Bake at 450F for 15 minutes.  Reduce heat to 350F.  Bake
15 minutes or until puffed and golden.  Cool on Racks.  Remove cones
carefully.  Before serving fill with Coffee Almond Cream

           *Coffee Almond Cream*
Combine 1/2 cup whipping cream, 2 tbsp sugar, & 1 tbsp instant coffee.
chill.  whip until stiff.  fold in 1/3 cup diced almonds.

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