*  Exported from  MasterCook II  *      
                     Crudites with Vomit Vinaigrette        
Recipe By     : Creepy Cuisine, Lucy Munroe                 
Serving Size  : 6    Preparation Time :0:00                 
Categories    : Halloween                        Horror     
--------  ------------  --------------------------------    
                        cherry tomatoes                     
                        carrots -- peeled                   
                        celery stalks                       
                        mushroom caps                       
   2      cups          cottage cheese                      
   1      envelope      onion soup mix                      
     1/4  cup           milk                                
                        yellow food coloring                
	Rinse the vegetables in warm water, except the mushroom caps.  Wipe those gently
with a damp paper towel.  Then slice the carrots, zucchini and celery into thin sticks.
The cherry tomatoes can be served whole, but you may want to remove any green
stems.  The radishes and mushrooms can be halved or served whole.  If you are not
serving right away, put the vegetables in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator
to keep them fresh and crispy.  In a small bowl, mix the cottage cheese, onion soup mix
and milk.  Stir in some food coloring until you get the desired yellowish color.  Do not
over mix!  Lumpy is more realistic!  Arrange your vegetables on a platter surrounding
the Vomit Vinaigrette.  Vomit Vinaigrette tastes great in sandwiches, too!  Try
splattering some into pita pockets! Penny Halsey (ATBN65B).

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