Title: Meeting House Potato Salad
 Categories: Salads
      Yield: 6 servings
  1 1/2 lb Unpeeled, waxy boiling
           -potatoes, scrubbed
      3 tb Olive oil
      2 tb Fresh lemon juice
      2 tb White wine or apple juice
      2 tb Dijon or prepared mustard
    1/2 ts Salt
      2    Hard-cooked eggs, finely
      1 c  Finely diced celery
    1/4 c  Finely chopped shallots or
    1/4 c  Finely chopped green or red
           -bell pepper
      2 tb Sweet or dill pickle relish
  Cook potatoes in water to cover until tender, about 30 minutes;
  drain, cool thoroughly, peel and cut into 1-inch cubes in mixing
  bowl. Whisk oil with lemon juice, wine, mustard and salt. Pour over
  potatoes. Add chopped eggs, celery, shallots, green pepper and pickle
  relish, mix thoroughly. Cover and refrigerate overnight to blend
  Per serving: 155 calories, 3 grams protein, 20 grams carbohydrate, 7
  grams fat, 53 milligrams cholesterol, 245 milligrams sodium.
  Francis Price writing in the Oregonian's FOODday, 1/12/93.

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