TOFU-MEAT(M)             USENET Cookbook             TOFU-MEAT(M)


     TOFU-MEAT - A Japanese tofu recipe with meat

     This recipe is originally from "Japanese Country Cookbook"
     by Russ Rudzinski. This is our version of the recipe.  The
     grated carrots give it a very nice flavor.

INGREDIENTS (serves 3-4)
     6 oz      tofu (2 squares)
     2         carrots, shredded
     2         green onions, chopped fine
     1/2 cup   parsley, chopped fine
     4-8 oz    shrimp, crab, or crab blend
     2 Tbsp    oil (for frying)
     3 Tbsp    soy sauce
     2 tsp     sugar
     2         eggs

          (1)  Heat the oil and sauté all the vegetables until
               tender (3-4 minutes).

          (2)  Mash the tofu with a fork.

          (3)  Add the shrimp or crab, tofu, soy sauce, and sugar
               to vegetables.  Mix well. Cook until everything is

          (4)  Beat the eggs and pour over mixture in Step 3.
               Cook until eggs are done.

          (5)  Serve in a bowl over rice.

     This recipe can be made with beef, chicken, or pork instead
     of shrimp or crab.

     Difficulty: easy.  Time: 10 minutes.  Precision: no need to

     Aviva Garrett
     Excelan, Inc., San Jose
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: (Victoria Cheadle)
     Newsgroups: alt.gourmand
     Subject: RECIPE: Beefy tortilla casserole
     Date: 31 Jul 87 06:06:13 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Distribution: alt
     Organization: Schlumberger Palo Alto Research, Palo Alto, Calif., USA
     Lines: 73

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