MAYONNAISE-1(S)          USENET Cookbook          MAYONNAISE-1(S)


     MAYONNAISE-1 - Mayonnaise made in a blender

     Many years ago I got tired of store-bought mayonnaise,
     because for me it was too sweet and had a rather odd tex-
     ture.  Learning how to make mayonnaise turned out to be a
     challenge, with many failures along the way (which usually
     resulted in something on the order of mayonnaise soup).  I
     find this recipe consistently works well.  And surprisingly
     it, too, has a rather sweet taste.

     1         egg, size "large" or larger
     1 1/2-2 Tbsp
               lemon juice (or vinegar) (this is usually the
               juice of half a medium lemon)
     1 cup     oil

          (1)  Place the egg and lemon juice (or vinegar) in a
               blender.  Blend at a high speed until the mixture
               starts to lose some of its yellow color and become
               a bit whiter.

          (2)  Pour the oil in slowly (in a constant stream over
               the course of about half a minute). Keep the lid
               on the blender as you do this (just lift the
               corner to pour in the oil), or else it will
               spatter everywhere.

     As you might guess, the type of oil you use affects the
     taste of the mayonnaise.  I suggest that you start with the
     oil you regularly cook with and then experiment from there.

     I've found that the biggest reason for failure is putting in
     too much acid (lemon juice/vinegar).  The result is some-
     thing akin to soup.  Nothing will correct this failure.
     However, you can use this mayonnaise-soup in potato salad
     (or other similar salads).

     You can add small amounts (up to 1 tsp) of spices, such as
     mustard (dried or prepared) and Tabasco sauce.  Add these to
     the egg/acid mixture before pouring in the oil, so they get
     thoroughly mixed into the mayonnaise.  This mayonnaise will
     normally keep for a maximum of three weeks if kept in a cold
     part of the refrigerator (such as the bottom shelf away from
     the door)

     Difficulty: easy.  Time: less than 5 minutes; Precision:
     measure the ingredients.

     Aviva Garrett
     Santa Cruz, California, USA
     Excelan, Inc., San Jose, California
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: colin@logitek (Colin Atherton)
     Subject: RECIPE: Colin's curry
     Date: 10 Oct 86 07:39:38 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: Logitek Ltd, Wigan, UK
     Lines: 107
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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