COOKIES-PB(D)            USENET Cookbook            COOKIES-PB(D)


     COOKIES-PB - Simple peanut-butter cookies

     These are very simple peanut-butter cookies.  They turn out
     a little moist, but are yummy.

INGREDIENTS (Makes 1 batch)
     1 cup     peanut-butter
     1 cup     sugar
     1         large egg

          (1)  Beat the egg.  Don't let your neighbours find out,

          (2)  Mix everything together.

          (3)  Preheat oven to 325 deg. F.

          (4)  Place blobs of cookie dough on a greased cookie
               sheet in the size you like, and flatten with a
               fork to make the traditional peanut-butter cookie

          (5)  Put in oven and bake for 8-10 minutes.

     These cookies are a bit moist, so don't worry about that.
     Don't burn them; they don't taste good when they're burnt.

     Difficulty: easy.  Time: 5 minutes preparation, 10 minutes
     baking.  Precision: Measure the ingredients.

     Andrew Scott Beals
     Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Computation Research Group
     Livermore, California, U.S.A.
     Path: decwrl!reid
     From: anita@utastro (Anita Cochran)
     Subject: RECIPE: Ruth Cochran's corn chowder
     Date: 13 Nov 86 06:46:05 GMT
     Sender: reid@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: University of Texas, Astronomy Dept.
     Lines: 55
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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