FRUIT-CAKE-2(D)          USENET Cookbook          FRUIT-CAKE-2(D)


     FRUIT-CAKE-2 - A traditional European-style fruit cake

     Although fruitcakes have a bad reputation, this one is
     *excellent*.  My mother has been making it for years. She
     originally got the recipe from a friend, but has since
     adapted it to suit her fans.  (She gets requests for it all
     year long.)

INGREDIENTS (1 large fruitcake)
     1 cup     all-purpose flour
     1/2 tsp   salt
     1/4 tsp   baking soda
     1/4 tsp   baking powder
     1/2 tsp   allspice
     1/2 tsp   cinnamon
     1/2 tsp   cloves
     1/2 tsp   mace
     1/2 tsp   nutmeg
     1/2 cup   melted butter
     2         eggs
     3/4 cup   black coffee (cold)
     1/2 cup   brown sugar
     1 cup     raisins
     1 cup     mixed fruit
     1 cup     dates
     1/4 cup   rum or brandy
     4 Tbsp    butter
     1/2 cup   rum or brandy
     1/2 cup   sugar

          (1)  Mix the melted butter, eggs, rum and coffee

          (2)  Add brown sugar and mix well.

          (3)  Add rest of dry ingredients and place in a but-
               tered loaf pan.

          (4)  Bake at 300 deg. F for 2 hours or until done (it
               will separate from the sides of the pan).

          (5)  Make glaze when almost completely baked: Melt (do
               not boil) butter.  Add rum and sugar. Stir by

          (6)  Remove the cake from the oven and pour half of the
               glaze over it.  Let it cool 25 minutes, then turn
               it over and pour the remaining glaze on the other

          (7)  Notes: Don't use glass pans. This freezes well, if
               you make more than you can eat; just be sure to
               wrap it carefully so it doesn't get freezer burn.
               Warm frozen cake in the oven, not the microwave.

     Difficulty: easy to moderate.  Time: 15 minutes preparation,
     2 hours baking, 30 minutes finishing.  Precision: measure
     the ingredients.

     Seema Chandnani
     University of Chicago Computation Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: roy@phri (Roy Smith)
     Subject: RECIPE: Too much fruit salad
     Date: 20 Feb 87 04:31:29 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: Public Health Research Inst. (NY, NY)
     Lines: 91
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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