FRUIT-SOUP(SPV)          USENET Cookbook          FRUIT-SOUP(SPV)
     FRUIT-SOUP - Fresh fruit soup
     This is a simple, delicious soup, perfect for a 
hot summer
     day.  It is based upon a recipe in The Moosewood 
Cookbook by
     Mollie Katzen.  This describes what emerged last 
time I made
     it; vary any or all of the ingredients freely. 
     included some suggestions at the end.
INGREDIENTS (serves 4)
     12 oz     apple juice concentrate (one can)
     2         peaches or nectarines
     1 wedge   canteloupe
     2         apricots
     12        strawberries
     1         small lemon
     1         small lime
     1/2 tsp   dried mint flakes
     2 cups    unflavored yogurt
               sherry or other sweet wine
     12 oz     grape juice concentrate (one can)
     4         violets or other small non-toxic flowers
          (1)  Wash and peel the peaches, canteloupe, 
and apri-
               cots.  Wash and hull the strawberries 
and set
               aside the 4 nicest ones.  Peaches and 
               peel more easily if you dip them in boiling 
               for a few seconds before peeling.  Try 
not to lose
               any juice from the fruit.
          (2)  Put half of the fruit into the bowl of 
a food pro-
               cessor and purée.  You could also 
use a food mill
               for this.
          (3)  Put the puréed fruit into a bowl 
and add the apple
               juice concentrate, an equal quantity 
of  water,
               the juice of the lemon and of the lime, 
the mint
               flakes, a sprinkle each of cinnamon and 
               and half of the yogurt.  Whisk together 
well.  Add
               several glugs of sherry and honey to 
taste.  (It
               shouldn't be very sweet-a couple spoonfuls 
               do it.)
          (4)  Put the rest of the fruit in the food 
               and pulse until well chopped but with 
               chunks of fruit still visible.  Put this 
into a
               different bowl and mix some of the first 
               into it so the fruit doesn't turn brown. 
 Put both
               bowls in the refrigerator for at least 
half an
          (5)  When you're ready to serve, divide the 
               fruit into 4 soup bowls.  Fill each bowl 
almost to
               the rim with the soup.  Pour the grape 
               concentrate into a creamer or small pitcher 
               carefully pour two concentric circles 
of grape
               juice into each bowl.  Take a chopstick 
or similar
               sized utensil and draw it through each 
               several times alternating from the center 
to the
               edge and from the edge to the center, 
lifting the
               chopstick after each stroke.  This should 
turn the
               rings of grape juice into sort of a zigzag 
               tern.  Stir up the remaining yogurt well 
and put a
               little mound of yogurt into each bowl. 
               yogurt will probably sink.  Put more 
in until you
               get a mound!)  Take the 4 reserved strawberries,
               slice them thinly, and surround each 
mound of
               yogurt with strawberry slices.  Top each 
mound of
               yogurt with a flower and get ready for 
the oohs
               and ahs.
     You can substitute any fruit that you want, but 
use strong
     tasting fruits like pineapple in moderation or 
they will
     take over the soup.  Bananas are nice; cherries 
are wonder-
     ful but impossible to peel.  Plums and other fruits 
     very mild flavors tend to get lost in the shuffle. 
     juice concentrates can be replaced with regular 
juices; vary
     them if you like, also.  There's an apple-pear-grape 
     combination that's delicious as the base and cranberry 
     is nice as the contrasting color.  Or, use a darker 
     for the base and something lighter in color like 
     juice to make the rings.  Cherries or mint leaves 
     attractive garnishes.
     Of course you don't have to go through all the 
     presentation work, but it really doesn't take that 
much time
     and it makes the result into something special. 
 Doing the
     fruit in two steps is strictly optional; if you're 
not going
     to make the ring pattern you may as well just process 
it all
     at once and stop before it's completely puréed.
     Difficulty: moderate.  Time: 20 minutes preparation, 
     minutes chilling, 10 minutes presentation.  Precision: 
     need to measure.
     Paul Asente
     Stanford University   decwrl!glacier!cascade!asente
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: rs@mirror (Rich Salz)
     Subject: RECIPE: Quick fruit tart
     Message-ID: <6619@decwrl.DEC.COM>
     Date: 28 Nov 86 04:32:47 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: Mirror Systems, Cambridge, Mass., 
     Lines: 52
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP
                Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community 
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