BROCCOLI-SOUP - Addictive broccoli soup
     This rich soup is a real flavor treat for everyone, 
even for
     people who don't normally eat broccoli.  It can 
be served as
     the only course in a light meal.  The soup is at 
its best
     when served with hot, hard French finger rolls 
and freshly
     squeezed cool orange juice.  It is my own original 
     You will not have tried it anywhere else except 
at my house.
INGREDIENTS (serves 4-6)
     2         bunches, fresh broccoli (each about 3 
in bottom
               diameter, banded)
     1/2 lb    butter
     2-6       cloves of fresh garlic, chopped fine. 
(Use less or
               more to taste.)
     1 Tbsp    chervil (fresh or dried, finely chopped)
     1 tsp     salt
     1 tsp     white pepper
     3 cups    milk (use full-cream milk (homogenized))
     1         medium egg yolk, beaten
     1/4 cup   flour (no lumps)
     1/8 tsp   cardamom
     1/8 tsp   mace
     1 cup     heavy cream ("whipping" cream 
     1/3 cup   Gruyere cheese (fresh, grated fine)
     1/3 cup   parmesan cheese (fresh, grated to powder)
          (1)  Cut broccoli into bite-size pieces.  
Discard the
               hard stem pieces, but keep tender leaves 
and stem
          (2)  Steam the cut broccoli for about 5-8 
               until just bright green in color.  Do 
not over-
          (3)  In a 10-inch enameled (non-metal) skillet, 
heat 6
               oz of butter until melted.  Add chopped 
garlic and
               wait until butter is hot enough to cook 
in. Add
               steamed broccoli, then chervil to the 
               Lightly salt the broccoli.
          (4)  Cover, and cook over medium low heat, 
               occasionally with a wooden spoon, for 
another 5-10
               minutes or until the broccoli turns a 
darker green
               color and becomes very soft.
          (5)  Mash the broccoli right in the skillet 
until no
               large pieces remain.  Use a potato masher 
or a
               strong wooden spoon.  Mash until there 
are no
               pieces remaining that are too big to 
fit in a soup
          (6)  While broccoli is cooking, add beaten 
egg yolk to
               2 cups of milk.
          (7)  Put 3 Tbsp butter into a 2-3 quart saucepan. 
               enamel or glass for best soup flavor. 
 Metal pans
               will make this soup bitter.  Melt butter 
and add
               flour.  When the flour bubbles and starts 
to cook,
               add the egg/milk mixture into the saucepan. 
               the cardamom, mace, and white pepper. 
 Stir con-
               tents of saucepan constantly with wooden 
               until thick. Lower the cooking heat.
          (8)  Empty the mashed broccoli mixture into 
the sau-
               cepan. Stir until well-mixed. Slowly 
stir in the
               remaining milk and the cream.  As soon 
as the soup
               becomes hot enough to cook again, add 
the grated
          (9)  Turn the heat down lower and simmer for 
about 5
               more minutes, stirring to allow the cheeses 
               melt and mix while the table is being 
set.  Serve
               immediately and retire quickly so as 
not to be
               trampled by those who smelled it cooking.
     This recipe may be doubled, halved or whatever 
     penalty.  Vary the amount of milk added the second 
time to
     change the soup thickness to your own tastes.  
You also may
     use any fresh green vegetable as a substitute for 
the broc-
     coli. Asparagus tips, artichoke hearts, and corn 
are espe-
     cially nice.  Cook them in the same way as you 
did the broc-
     coli.  Use any leftover butter on the hard French 
     rolls.  Warning: This soup is a mild aphrodisiac 
when served
     as suggested and by candlelight.  Use Bailey's 
Irish Cream
     as a chaser.
     Difficulty: moderate.  Time: 30 minutes.
     George Robertson
     Fort Worth, Texas
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: jeff@rtech.uucp (Jeff Lichtman)
     Subject: RECIPE: Double-frosted brownies
     Message-ID: <8686@decwrl.DEC.COM>
     Date: 20 Mar 87 05:28:52 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: Relational Technology, Alameda, California, 
     Lines: 119
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP
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