Title: Frittata Al Funghi
Categories: Vegetables
      Yield: 6 servings
      1 lb Assorted mushrooms *
      3 tb To 5 tb olive oil
      3    Or 4 cloves garlic, chopped
           Salt and pepper
      2 tb Chopped parsley
      1 ts Chopped fresh mint
      1 c  Chopped, well flavored
           -tomatoes **
      6    Eggs, lightly beaten
      1 c  Freshly grated Parmesan
  * Include at least some specialty mushrooms, such 
as portobello or
  crimini ** Pomi brand is excellent if fresh ones are 
not available
  This mushroom frittata comes from Luca Citi of Cafe 
Citi in Kenwood.
  Slice mushrooms and saute in a few tablespoons of 
olive oil, then
  season with garlic, salt and pepper, parsley and mint. 
Add tomatoes
  to the pan and cook down over high heat until there 
is nearly no
  liquid left. Let cool.
  Mix eggs with cheese, then add mushroom/tomato mixture. 
  remaining oil in heavy, nonstick frying pan, then 
pour in
  egg/cheese/mushroom mixture and cook slowly over medium 
low heat,
  letting the egg cook on the bottom, lifting up the 
edges with a
  spatula to let the runny egg move to the bottom and 
  When the mixture is partially set and the bottom has 
browned, either
  invert the frittata onto a plate and then flip back 
into the pan,
  cooking over medium heat until it too is browned and 
set, or place
  under the broiler to broil until golden brown and 
cooked through.
  Serve either hot or cool.
  Serves 6 as a first course or lunch dish.
  PER SERVING: 190 calories, 11 g protein, 6 g carbohydrate, 
15 g fat
  (4 g saturated), 216 mg ol, 199 mg sodium, 2 g fiber.
  Marlena Spieler in the San Francisco Chronicle, 9/3/93.

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