Subj:  Grilled Tofu Sandwiches
From:  ZimHuycke

This recipe originally came from The Farm Cookbook, but I got it from someone who
has now moved to Israel. 


You'll need:
Brown Bread, Margarine, tofu (2 or 3 cakes mashed), 
 1 cup Nutritional Yeast (from the health food store), 
1 tablespoon flour

Melt a tablespoon of marg. with the flour (like making a white sauce) blend in a cup of
water gradually, when cooked take it off the heat and let it cool a minute before adding
the yeast.  Add the mashed cakes of tofu.  It should look a little like scrambled eggs at
this point.  Make sandwiches. Lightly margarine the outside of the sandwich and grill
either by the traditional method in a frypan or you can bake them on a cookie sheet at
350 for five minutes on each side or until brown.  I have a lot of kids so I make them by
baking.  We serve them with ketchup.  toronto mom.

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