Subj:  Broiled Salmon w/ dill
From:  GranDude


2	   Tbspns 	OLIVE oil
1/2	 tspn	   SALT
1/4	 tspn	   freshly ground PEPPER
4   	6-8 oz	 3/4 - 1 inch thick center-cut skinless SALMON fillets
2 	  Tbspns 	dry white WINE
2   	Tbspns 	minced fresh DILL

1]  Preheat broiler. In a baking dish large enough to hold the salmon in a single layer,
combine the oil, slat and pepper.  Add the fillets and turn to coat thoroughly
2]  Broil the slamon in the baking dish about 2 inches from heat for 6 minutes, or until
almost cooked through.  Sprinkle the wine on top and broil, without turning, for about
2 minutes or until salmon is just opaque at the center.
3]  Transfer the fillets to plates and spoon a little of the pan juices on top.  Garnish with
the dill and serve


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