CHICKEN-CURRY3 - Chicken fruit salad curry

     One day I was invited to a beach picnic, and asked to bring
     a salad. A friend and I got together in his kitchen and con-
     cocted a curried chicken salad with grapes. It was deli-
     cious, but we forgot to write down the recipe.  After some
     more experimentation, I have come up with this recipe. I
     don't know if it is the same as what we made that day at the
     beach, but it is similar and delicious.

INGREDIENTS (Serves 8-10)
     6-8       boneless chicken breast pieces (3-4 chicken
               breasts, halved and boned)
     2-6 cups  seedless grapes (vary amount to taste)
     1 1/2     " cups"
     2 cups    mayonaise
     4 tsp     curry powder
     3 tsp     olive oil
     1 tsp     cayenne pepper
     1/2 tsp   ground black pepper
     1 tsp     fruit vinegar

          (1)  Make the sauce by mixing together all ingredients
               except the chicken and the grapes. Season to taste
               (sample by dipping a grape into the sauce and then
               eating it).

          (2)  Broil the chicken breasts (3-5 minutes on each
               side in a preheated broiler), then dice or shred
               into small bite-sized pieces.

          (3)  Cook the pasta according to package directions,
               and drain.

          (4)  Mix chopped chicken with 2 cups of whole grapes.
               Add the cooked drained pasta. Cover with the
               sauce. Mix well.  Add more grapes to taste. My
               taste is to add vast quantities of grapes.

     Difficulty: easy.  Time: 25 minutes including cooking the
     chicken and pasta.  Precision: no need to measure.

     Tracy Larrabee
     Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Palo Alto, CA, USA
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: (Andrew House)
     Newsgroups: alt.gourmand
     Subject: RECIPE: Andy's murgh kurma
     Date: 12 Feb 88 06:15:25 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Distribution: alt
     Organization: Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
     Lines: 65

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