Title: Catalan Lamb - Garlic Lamb
 Categories: Spanish, Lamb
      Yield: 4 servings
      1 tb Olive oil
      1    Shoulder of lamb
     20    Cloves garlic, peeled
    300 ml Stock
      1 tb Tomato puree
  This recipe from northern Spain takes only minute of the cook's time
  but produces melting lamb in a lush sauce, thick with sweet (and
  innocuous) cloves of garlic.
  In a wide casserole which can be used on top of the stove, heat a
  tablespoon of olive oil and brown a shoulder of lamb on both sides.
  remove the meat and add to the saucepan 20 peeled whole cloves of
  garlic. Cook gently for a few minutes and sprinkle in a few
  tablespoons of flour, stir well, then continuing to stir, add 300 ml
  stock mixed with a tablespoon of tomato puree. Return the meat to the
  casserole, turn it over in the stock mixture, cover tightly and
  simmer very gently until the meat is cooked. Turn the meat over
  halfway through cooking and check at intervals, adding more stock if
  the sauce is getting dry.
  From an article by Meryl Constance in The Sydney Morning Herald,
  7/20/93. Courtesy Mark Herron.

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