Recipe by Liz Waters
Used with author's permission

Speckled Pig Pudding

2 cups toasted stale French Bread
4 eggs
2 cups milk
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup raisins in hot water
1/2 lb. light brown sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground clove
1 teaspoon freshly grated  nutmeg
1/2 lb. butter (melted)
1 C (+-) apple cider
1 cup sharp New York Cheddar  cheese
2 cups sliced Granny Smith apples (optional)

Break up bread In another bowl, beat eggs well and add milk.  Separately, put raisins in 1
cup hot water to cover.  Allow to soak and plump for five minutes, and drain.  Add
brown sugar and vanilla to the milk-egg mixture and mixed with slices apples.  Add
cinnamon, clove and nutmeg.  Mix all thoroughly with the bread and moisten  with
butter and cider. Use more cider if needed. Grate cheese.  Place layers of the pudding in a
casserole, alternately with layers of the cheese.  Bake at 350 about 45 minutes and serve

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