NOODLE-KUGEL-3(V)        USENET Cookbook        NOODLE-KUGEL-3(V)


     NOODLE-KUGEL-3 - A sweet egg noodle kugel

     1 lb      cooked egg noodles (1 package)
     2 cups    sour cream
     3 oz      cream cheese
     1/2 cup   sugar
     1 tsp     lemon juice
     1 Tbsp    butter
     1/2 tsp   vanilla or to taste
     2         eggs

          (1)  Cook the noodles the full time shown on the pack-
               age for serving.  Our packages here usually give a
               time for casseroles and a time for serving.

          (2)  Drain the noodles, place them in an oven-safe
               casserole and allow the butter to melt on them.
               Stir to mix the butter.

          (3)  Beat all the remaining ingredients and add to the
               cooked noodles.

          (4)  Bake uncovered at 350 deg. F for one hour.  The
               top should be golden brown.

     I usually add more vanilla, but this is the original recipe
     I took from my mother.  If you like a soupier noodle pud-
     ding, increase the sour cream and cream cheese.

     Difficulty: easy.  Time: 10 minutes preparation, 1 hour bak-
     ing.  Precision: Approximate measurement ok.

     Syd Weinstein
     Datacomp Systems, Inc., Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, USA
     {allegra, bellcore, bpa, vu-vlsi}!dsinc!syd
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: rhorn@infinet.UUCP (Rob Horn)
     Subject: RECIPE: Hot cold noodles
     Date: 7 Nov 86 05:39:05 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: Infinet, North Andover, Massachusetts, USA
     Lines: 56
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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