BERLINERKRANZ - Norwegian wreath cookies

     These are decorative holiday cookies adding quite a bright,
     colorful aromatic touch to your plate of cookies.

     3/4 cup   butter or margarine, softened
     3/4 cup   solid shortening (e.g. Crisco)
     1 cup     sugar
     2 tsp     grated orange peel
     2         eggs
     4 cups    all-purpose flour
               red cinnamon candies (optional)
               green food coloring (optional)

          (1)  Heat oven to 400 deg. F.

          (2)  Mix thoroughly butter, shortening, sugar, orange
               peel, and eggs.

          (3)  Blend in flour. Color with green food coloring, if

          (4)  Shape dough by rounded teaspoonfuls into ropes,
               each 6 inches long and 1/4 inch in diameter.

          (5)  Form each rope into a circle, bringing one end
               over the other and through into a single knot.
               Let 1/2 inch extend at each end.

          (6)  Place on ungreased baking sheet.

          (7)  Press in red cinnamon candies, if desired.

          (8)  Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until set but not brown.

          (9)  Immediately remove from baking sheet.

     Difficulty: moderate (requires some dexterity).  Time: 1
     hour.  Precision: Measure the ingredients.

     Cindy W. Poehlmann
     AT&T Network Systems, Columbus, Ohio, USA
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: gkloker@utai (Geoff Loker)
     Subject: RECIPE: Berry Cobbler
     Date: 23 May 86 03:36:40 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Organization: CSRI AI, University of Toronto
     Lines: 81
     Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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