CHOC-PANCAKES - Brownies in a skillet

     This recipe is based on a "chocolate turtle" recipe by Mae
     Rabenius from a cookbook produced by Faith United Methodist
     Church in Phoenix, Arizona.

INGREDIENTS (40 pieces)
     3/4 cup   margarine
     3/4 cup   cocoa
     2 cups    flour
     1 1/2 cups
     4         eggs
     2 tsp     vanilla
     1/2 tsp   salt
     1/2 cup   butter cream frosting

          (1)  Melt the margarine and mix with the cocoa.

          (2)  In a small bowl, mix flour and salt.

          (3)  In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs. Then add sugar,
               vanilla, and beat well.

          (4)  Add flour and margarine mixture to this and blend

          (5)  Heat skillet to medium low. Drop small clumps (1
               Tbsp) and cook like pancakes: about 1 1/2 minutes
               on one side, 1/2 minute on the other, then turn
               over again and remove after a few seconds.

          (6)  Freeze. When relatively hard, coat one side with
               buttercream frosting.

     One side of the pancakes may burn. It doesn't particularly
     affect the taste, and if you frost this side, no one will
     even know.

     It's not necessary to cook the pancakes completely; if the
     middle looks somewhat gooey, don't fret: it will soon har-

     Difficulty: easy.  Time: 10 minutes preparation, 30 minutes
     to cook, 10 minutes to frost.  Precision: approximate meas-
     urement OK.

     Duane Morse
     International Anasazi, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona
     Path: decwrl!recipes
     From: (Jeff Frontz)
     Newsgroups: alt.gourmand
     Subject: RECIPE: Double chocolate chess pie
     Date: 15 Jul 88 05:35:29 GMT
     Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
     Distribution: alt
     Organization: University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
     Lines: 56

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